NCDOT Transportation Intergovernmental Policy Advisory Group-Update

Transportation Intergovernmental Advisory Group – Moving Forward

Meeting Facilitation Approach – NCDOT is recommending that the Department take on the responsibility of facilitating future Steering Committee meetings in lieu of hiring a consulting firm to provide these services.

10/22 Steering Committee Meeting Agenda:

I. Reconnect with Steering Committee Members (What’s working well, not so well, next steps, and roles and responsibilities)

o Steering Committee will select and prioritize specific topic areas to review (complete)

o Steering Committee will define and agree on general parameters for each work group created (i.e., subtopic to be addressed, general scope of project, expected outcomes, timeline to complete, and number and type of work group members to involve)

o Two Steering Committee members (NCDOT representative and External Partner representative) will be appointed to serve as Co-Sponsors for each work group

o Steering Committee members will make recommendations to co-sponsors regarding potential work group members

o Steering Committee will meet quarterly and have a set agenda to facilitate meeting progress and work group reporting

II. New Work Group Development (including roles and responsibilities of Steering Committee)

o Work group Co-Sponsors will be responsible for selecting work group members (5-7 members), providing direction, resourcing work group, answering questions/making decisions, and providing quarterly progress updates to Steering Committee

Recommended Work Group Topics

1. Topic Area: Education and Communication

Sub-topic: Communications with elected officials

Focus Question: What communication policies are currently in place for mayors and County Commissioner Chairs, etc. and how could they be improved?

o Co-Sponsors- Ted Vaden / Julie White

o Proposed Tasks –

o Establish a standing method for local officials to communicate and be educated related to Transportation issues, policy and concerns

o Determine what communication policies are currently in place for mayors and county commission chairs, etc. and how could they be improved?

o Determine what education needs exist within this stakeholder group and develop recommendations to meet those needs

o Timeline – Report results back to the committee 1st quarter 2010

2. Topic Area: Future transportation funding strategy.

Sub-topic: Federal Reauthorization

Focus Question: How do we need to be working together to most effectively review and plan for the future transportation funding needs of the State?

o Co-Sponsors – Susan Coward / Mike Kozlosky

o Proposed Tasks –

o Develop a plan to respond and react to future reauthorization legislation and activities

o Develop a process for managing communications and other information flow

o Develop a plan to improve advocacy between stakeholder groups for; (a) funding flexibility (b) sustained revenue sources

o Timeline – Report results back to the committee 1st quarter 2010

3. Topic Area: Reduce land use and transportation disconnect.

Sub-topic: Process Improvement Tools

Focus Question: What type processes or products do we need to develop to better ensure effective agency coordination and communications occurs early on in the life of any new transportation and/or land development project?

o Co-Sponsors – Terry Gibson / Mike Horn

o Proposed Tasks –

o Develop new project notification procedure and guideline to assist local governments and NCDOT with more effective transportation/land development communications and coordination

o Timeline – Report results back to the committee 1st quarter 2010

III. Follow-up Action Items and Next Meeting Date

– Steering Committee Members provide suggested work group member names to Co-Sponsors by 10/29

– Co-Sponsors develop scope of work for work group and select work group members by 11/5 (send to all Steering Committee members when complete for review/input)

– Kick-off meeting of work groups by 11/26

– Next Steering Committee Meeting – 1/25/10 – 10 AM – Quorum Center

2017-05-24T08:56:35+00:00October 29th, 2009|