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Mass. launches green transportation initiative (Bloomberg Business Week)

Mass. launches green transportation initiative (Bloomberg Business Week)

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation is stepping up its efforts to go green.

Transportation Secretary Jeffrey Mullan announced Wednesday the “GreenDOT” campaign aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting healthy transportation alternatives and supporting smart growth development.

Under GreenDOT, the transportation department will incorporate sustainability into all of its activities, […]

2010-06-04T09:13:04+00:00June 4th, 2010|

North Carolina Turnpike Authority merges into N.C. Department of Transportation

North Carolina Turnpike Authority merges into N.C. Department of Transportation

Call it the government version of a merger: The staff of the North Carolina Turnpike Authority got new bosses on June 1 as their integration into the North Carolina Department of Transportation kicked into a higher gear.

The turnpike, which is responsible for building toll roads in […]

2010-06-04T09:09:42+00:00June 4th, 2010|

Mobility Fund Update 5.3.2010

The House Budget Bill does include the Mobility Fund. Below is a summary of what is in the Mobility Fund, and what is not.

Funds going into the Mobility Fund:
$39 million in GAP funds that are likely to be unspent FY 2009-10
$31 million from Highway Trust Fund transfer to the General Fund in FY2011-12
$45 […]

2017-05-24T08:56:26+00:00June 3rd, 2010|

States find road and bridge money hard to come by (Stateline)

States find road and bridge money hard to come by (Stateline)

By Daniel C. Vock, Stateline Staff Writer

This is the third in a series of stories looking at actions taken in state legislatures this year.

South Dakota Transportation Secretary Darin Bergquist delivered grim news to lawmakers last summer: Money to fix and build roads […]

2017-05-24T08:56:26+00:00June 3rd, 2010|

Mobility Fund Update 6.2.2010

The House Appropriations Committee debated and voted on the budget today. Next stop, the floor of the House tomorrow morning at 10 AM for debate and first vote. They will vote a second time after midnight.  (Each bill needs two floor votes and the budget bill requires those votes to be on two separate days, […]

2010-06-02T16:05:14+00:00June 2nd, 2010|

Mobility Fund Update 6.1.10

The House has included a Mobility Fund in their budget at this time. The budget bill (both the money report and the bill) is posted on line at http://www.ncleg.net/sessions/2009/budget/2010/S897-CSLRxf-40.pdf and http://www.ncleg.net/sessions/2009/budget/2010/budgetreport06-01-10.pdf. You can search on the term “Mobility” to find the language.

The House has written a new version of the Fund and it is substantially […]

2010-06-01T10:46:44+00:00June 1st, 2010|

Mobility, yes (News and Observer)

Mobility, yes (News and Observer)

One of the biggest problems in North Carolina’s highway system is on the road to a solution. But there’s another big problem right on its doorstep, and an even larger one lurking outside.

The first problem is the grossly inadequate Yadkin River bridge on Interstate 85 in Davidson and Rowan counties. The […]

2017-05-24T08:56:26+00:00June 1st, 2010|

Mobility Fund (Winston Salem Journal Editorial)

Mobility fund (Winston Salem Journal Editorial) 

North Carolinians must pay higher taxes and transportation-related fees if they want highways and mass-transit systems that work effectively in the future.

Put aside all of the generalities about “tax-and-spend,” “fraud and waste,” and “no new taxes,” and look at reality: North Carolina’s roads are in bad shape and getting worse. […]

2010-06-01T10:33:15+00:00June 1st, 2010|