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Congress looks at making cities more “livable” (Reuters)

Congress looks at making cities more “livable” (Reuters)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Senate moved closer on Wednesday to making the concept of “livable communities” a part of national law that would provide federal grants to help local governments implement comprehensive city planning.

Almost a year after Sen. Chris Dodd, the Banking Committee chairman from Connecticut, introduced a […]

2010-06-10T15:42:55+00:00June 10th, 2010|

Beltway delay (Winston Salem JOURNAL EDITORIAL)

Beltway delay (Winston Salem JOURNAL EDITORIAL)

Aprioritization process for urban-loop projects that state officials are proposing could well put Forsyth County’s long-awaited Northern Beltway near, or at, the bottom of the list of projects competing for funds. Area residents should urge the N.C. Department of Transportation to adjust the process so that it allows projects like […]

2010-06-09T16:06:05+00:00June 9th, 2010|

Liquor law changes approved by NC house panel (Associated Press)

Liquor law changes approved by NC house panel (Associated Press)

RALEIGH, N.C. — Local ABC boards would have to meet financial and customer service standards in its liquor sales or they could face closure, and all its members would be subject to a gift ban and other ethics rules in legislation approved Tuesday by a state […]

2017-05-24T08:56:26+00:00June 9th, 2010|

A tale of two counties (The Washington Post) (Collective Bargaining story)

A tale of two counties (The Washington Post) (Collective Bargaining story)

MONTGOMERY COUNTY has just completed a nightmarish budget year. Stressed, squabbling and besieged elected officials savaged services and programs and jacked up taxes to eliminate an eye-popping deficit of almost $1 billion in a $4.3 billion spending plan. Meanwhile, across the Potomac River in Fairfax […]

2017-05-24T08:56:26+00:00June 9th, 2010|

The Collective Bargaining Fight (NC Insider)

The Collective Bargaining Fight (NC Insider)

RALEIGH – Perhaps Harry Reid may think better of the idea.

Or, maybe not.

In late April , the leader of the U.S. Senate re-introduced a bill that would force states to negotiate with unions for police, firefighters and other emergency workers.

The move prompted a flurry of activity from business and municipal […]

2017-05-24T08:56:26+00:00June 8th, 2010|

NC Board of Transportation Meeting 6.3.10 (Summary by Jim Humphrey, CDOT)

NC Board of Transportation Meeting 6.3.10 (Summary by Jim Humphrey, CDOT)

Secretary’s Remarks- Jim Trogden spoke of Mobility Funds, response to a Amtrak Train derailment in Mebane, expansion of mid-day train service between Raleigh and Charlotte, award of the contract for I-485 and the public event in Charlotte, more work to integrate NCTA into NCDOT (including […]

2017-05-24T08:56:26+00:00June 7th, 2010|

Local officials please mobility fund in N.C. budget draft (Durham Herald Sun)

Local officials please mobility fund in N.C. budget draft (Durham Herald Sun)

DURHAM — Local officials are pleased that N.C. House members included in their draft of the state’s fiscal 2010-11 budget a version of the “mobility fund” Gov. Beverly Perdue wants to set up to underwrite major road and transit projects.

House members would seed the […]

2017-05-24T08:56:26+00:00June 7th, 2010|

New Report Examines Gasoline Tax Proposals in Various States (AASHTO)

New Report Examines Gasoline Tax Proposals in Various States (AASHTO)

The success or failure of state-level plans to increase gas taxes can be tied to how the media covers those proposals, concludes a recently released report from the University of Vermont Transportation Research Center. The report examines six states — Idaho, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, […]

2017-05-24T08:56:26+00:00June 7th, 2010|