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More Americans prefer transportation tolls than taxes, other funding options Having previously examined transportation funding issues, HNTB Corporation’s latest America THINKS survey takes a closer look at a revenue source most popular before the advent of the gas tax: tolls. The findings show most Americans support […]

2010-08-02T09:13:09+00:00August 2nd, 2010|

NCDOT’s new criteria for loop-building gives East End Connector a 2014 start date (News and Observer)

NCDOT’s new criteria for loop-building gives East End Connector a 2014 start date (News and Observer)

NCDOT expects to start construction in fiscal year 2014 on Durham’s East End Connector, one of North Carolina’s longest-delayed road projects.

First proposed in the 1970s, the $162 million project on the east side of Durham would create a north-south, stoplight-free […]

2010-07-29T15:07:51+00:00July 29th, 2010|

LaHood Fends Off Lawmakers On Fuel Taxes (The Journal of Commerce Online)

LaHood Fends Off Lawmakers On Fuel Taxes (The Journal of Commerce Online)

DOT secretary says there may not be “the courage” in Congress to take on issue

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood came under fire Tuesday from House lawmakers over infrastructure financing, taking heat from those for and against raising taxes to pay for highway and transit […]

2010-07-29T14:53:39+00:00July 29th, 2010|

Counties turning to local sales taxes to raise money (WRAL.com)

Counties turning to local sales taxes to raise money (WRAL.com)
A growing number of counties facing tight budgets are seeking voter approval to raise local sales taxes.

Ten counties have already decided to put local-option sales taxes on the November ballot, including Orange, Harnett and Robeson. Durham County commissioners were expected to vote Monday night on whether […]

2017-05-24T08:56:24+00:00July 27th, 2010|

Cities tackle traffic head-on with commuter options (USA Today)

Cities tackle traffic head-on with commuter options (USA Today)

MINNEAPOLIS — The morning rush-hour traffic on Interstate 35W is crawling. The highway, which connects downtown Minneapolis and its northern and southern suburbs, is the busiest road in the state. When traffic snarls here, backups spread across the region.

A year ago, Peggy Birler, 45, would have […]

2010-07-27T09:22:25+00:00July 27th, 2010|

NC governor keeping options open for revenues (Associated Press)

NC governor keeping options open for revenues (Associated Press)

RALEIGH, N.C. A day after Gov. Beverly Perdue signed into law a bill banning video sweepstakes games, she suggested she’d listen to proposals to legalize video poker again in North Carolina.

And after Perdue signed a bill designed to reform the state Alcoholic Beverage Control system, she said […]

2010-07-26T11:38:05+00:00July 26th, 2010|

Transportation sales tax initiative in development (Albany Herald.com)

Transportation sales tax initiative in development (Albany Herald.com)
If approved by voters, a 2012 referendum would allow a one-percent sales tax to be collected for 10 years

ATLANTA, Ga. — The Georgia Department of Transportation is busy trying to implement the framework of a regional sales tax proposal that would fund transportation projects in 12 different regions […]

2017-05-24T08:56:24+00:00July 26th, 2010|

LaHood Says No Fuel Tax Increase Needed for Transport (The Journal of Commerce Online)

LaHood Says No Fuel Tax Increase Needed for Transport (The Journal of Commerce Online)
Highway funding to come from tolls, Obama’s proposed infrastructure fund

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said a combination of current-level gas tax receipts, road and bridge tolling and President Obama’s proposed infrastructure fund could offer a way to fund a long-term federal infrastructure […]

2010-07-26T11:26:29+00:00July 26th, 2010|

Businesses question fees for Internet cafes (Fayetteville Observer)

Businesses question fees for Internet cafes (Fayetteville Observer)

A lawyer says Fayetteville’s “oppressive” fees on sweepstakes lounges are designed to close them and might be challenged in court.

“You can’t tax something out of existence,” said Lonnie Player Jr., a Fayetteville lawyer representing owners of the lounges.
The city intends to charge each owner a “privilege license” of […]

2017-05-24T08:56:25+00:00July 21st, 2010|

Greensboro ABC manager elected to association post (Greensboro News and Record)

Greensboro ABC manager elected to association post (Greensboro News and Record)

Katie Alley, the general manager of Greensboro’s ABC system, has been tapped as president elect of the North Carolina Association of ABC Boards, a group that represents the more than 160 local liquor boards across the state.

Alley faces scrutiny following a report released by […]

2010-07-21T13:31:35+00:00July 21st, 2010|