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On November 2, 2010, voters sent a clear message. The number one issue in North Carolina is the economy – jobs, jobs, jobs. Years of overspending by Democrats have given North Carolina the highest tax rates in the Southeast and an estimated budget deficit of at least $3 billion for next year. […]

2010-11-03T13:59:18+00:00November 3rd, 2010|

GOP wins control of N.C. General Assembly (News & Observer)

Republicans made history on Election Day as they seized control of North Carolina’s legislature for the first time in more than a century.

Democratic leaders in both the state House and Senate conceded to their Republican counterparts late Tuesday.

Sen. Marc Basnight, the Democratic leader in the Senate, said he told Republican leader Sen. Phil Berger of […]

2010-11-03T13:24:50+00:00November 3rd, 2010|

Charlotte Mayor Anthony Foxx Among Four U.S. Mayors Named as Fellows by the Urban Land Institute Daniel Rose Center for Public Leadership in Land Use (PRNewswire-USNewswire)

Charlotte Mayor Anthony Foxx Among Four U.S. Mayors Named as Fellows by the Urban Land Institute Daniel Rose Center for Public Leadership in Land Use (Urban Land Institute)

The Urban Land Institute (ULI) Daniel Rose Center for Public Leadership in Land Use has named Charlotte Mayor Anthony Foxx and three other outstanding local community leaders to […]

2017-05-24T08:56:23+00:00October 28th, 2010|

Setting Government Straight (Gov. Perdue)

Setting Government Straight (Gov. Perdue)

What is Regulatory Review?
Regulatory Review is Governor Bev Perdue’s newest initiative aimed at setting government straight. It is a new process that asks you – citizens, community groups, businesses, state employees, local governments or schools – to tell us what rules and regulations in state government don’t make sense.

The Governor has […]

2010-10-21T12:34:19+00:00October 21st, 2010|

Mayors attack high power bills (News and Observer)

Mayors attack high power bills (News and Observer)

SMITHFIELD The word coup jokingly came up several times in at a recent meeting of about a dozen Eastern North Carolina mayors.

Organized by Smithfield Mayor Daniel Evans and the mayors of Kinston and Elizabeth City, the gathering brought together mayors from public-power towns throughout Eastern North Carolina. And […]

2010-10-21T12:21:43+00:00October 21st, 2010|

More local ABC boards lose money (Associated Press)

More local ABC boards lose money (Associated Press)

RALEIGH More than twice the number of government-run liquor store operations in North Carolina failed to turn a profit in the past fiscal year as in the year before.

Statistics presented Wednesday to Gov. Bev Perdue’s state government reform committee showed 24 local boards reported operating losses for the […]

2010-10-21T07:29:22+00:00October 21st, 2010|

The North Carolina Mobility Fund: A Chance to Bring North Carolina Transportation Policy into the 21st Century (SELC)

The North Carolina Mobility Fund: A Chance to Bring North Carolina Transportation Policy into the 21st Century (SELC)

Transportation policy has a profound impact on the economy and the environment in North Carolina. Unlike many of its neighbors, North Carolina lacks any comprehensive growth management law, and so more than any other statewide policy, transportation plans […]

2017-05-24T08:56:23+00:00October 18th, 2010|

Marijuana alternative’s (Spice) popularity soars (Fayetteville Observer)

Marijuana alternative’s popularity soars (Fayetteville Observer)

A designer drug that replicates the high of marijuana is the new darling of a growing number of tobacco shops in Fayetteville.
The legal substance, known as spice, contains a lab-made chemical that affects the same receptors in the brain as the active ingredient in marijuana. The federal Drug Enforcement Administration […]

2010-10-18T12:26:09+00:00October 18th, 2010|

Transportation chief vows help (Winston Salem Journal)

Transportation chief vows help (Winston Salem Journal)
State wants to work to get the Northern Beltway going but money is an issue, Conti says

The N.C. Department of Transportation wants to work with local elected officials and business leaders to find ways to get construction started on the Northern Beltway, but the state still won’t have any […]

2010-10-08T15:26:00+00:00October 8th, 2010|

Where Are the ‘Recovery Summer’ Stimulus Projects? (The New Republic)

Where Are the ‘Recovery Summer’ Stimulus Projects? (The New Republic)

Washington Post reported on a recent White House analysis of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. That assessment found “strikingly few claims of fraud or abuse,” according to the article. Well, good!

We’ve complained before that ARRA’s welcome emphasis on transparency tilts too much toward curbing this […]

2017-05-24T08:56:23+00:00October 8th, 2010|