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GOP takeover could complicate film incentives, annexation items (Wilmington Star News)

About two months away from the next state legislative session, lobbying has begun.
Last week, Wilmington City Council endorsed an aggressive wish list for the 2011 General Assembly which includes protecting the city’s annexation powers, enhancing the state’s film industry incentives and funding the Cape Fear Skyway project.

All three topics are expected to receive attention when […]

2010-11-29T13:11:25+00:00November 29th, 2010|

GOP says now’s not the time for tax reform in NC (Associated Press)

Tax reform is headed to the back burner again in North Carolina, despite new management at the General Assembly.

Corporate chiefs, social advocates and politicians on both sides of the political aisle have argued for a generation the state’s tax system is outdated because it reflects a manufacturing economy of textiles, tobacco and furniture. They’ve pleaded […]

2017-05-24T08:56:22+00:00November 29th, 2010|

Mayors measure effect of belt-tightening on quality of life (USA TODAY)

The city of Hickory, N.C., where the unemployment rate soared from 2% to 16% during the recession, is repaving fewer streets, slashing dozens of city jobs, reducing library hours and closing two community pools. City workers haven’t gotten raises in two years, and the city has postponed development of some parks.

“We’re saying no to services […]

2017-05-24T08:56:22+00:00November 23rd, 2010|

Op-ed from Gov. Perdue calling on citizens to tell her about any rules and regulations in state government that defy common sense.

The gentleman from Greenville (let’s call him Mr. B) was direct and to the point: “I hope this is not a political nothing.”

His was one of more than 600 responses received the first week at www.setgovernmentstraight.nc.gov, the website devoted to bringing common sense back to the rules and regulations that pepper North Carolina state government. […]

2017-05-24T08:56:22+00:00November 18th, 2010|

100 Days that Will Change North Carolina(Rep. Stam)

North Carolina’s state government must reduce costs and regulation on business, large and small, so that they can create jobs and prosperity.If the people of North Carolina entrust Republicans with a majority in the General Assembly on November 2, 2010, we commit to govern the State by focusing on these priorities:

1. Years of overspending by […]

2010-11-04T11:00:06+00:00November 4th, 2010|

GOP leaders lay the groundwork for House, Senate leadership Stam,Tillis mentioned for House roles (M2Mpolitics.com)

State Republican leaders, fresh off their historic legislative victories Tuesday, are laying the groundwork for who will be at the helm of the Senate and the House when their majorities take office next January.
North Carolina GOP Chairman Tom Fetzer has been introducing Sen. Phil Berger, R-Rockingham, as the Senate president pro-tem in waiting, the choice […]

2017-05-24T08:56:22+00:00November 4th, 2010|

The Two Legislative Barbells (John Hood)

Because there hasn’t been a GOP legislature in North Carolina since the 1800s, the new Republican majorities have no shortage of policy initiatives to pursue in the 2011 legislative session.

In the past, most bills introduced by Republicans were either voted down on the floor by Democratic majorities or blocked from consideration by Democratic leaders. Now, […]

2017-05-24T08:56:23+00:00November 4th, 2010|

Oberstar ousted; House T&I in limbo (PUBLIC WORKS News Service)

It’s been called the surprise of the night.
Out of nowhere, Rep. James Oberstar (D-Minn.), the 18-term chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, was edged out of office by 4,000 votes to a political newcomer in the biggest mid-term shift of power in 70 years.

The defeat ends Oberstar’s 30-year tenure on the U.S. House […]

2017-05-24T08:56:23+00:00November 4th, 2010|