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Budget gap pegged at closer to $4 billion (News and Observer)

Is it $3.2 billion? $3.5 billion?

The budget hole state politicians will try to fill next year may be bigger than commonly reported.

A new report from the National Conference of State Legislatures on budget conditions in the 50 states and Puerto Rico puts the hole North Carolina is facing at more than $3.8 billion, or 20.3 […]

2010-12-09T09:52:42+00:00December 9th, 2010|

Foxx on Charlotte: We’re hanging on (Charlotte Post )

Charlotte Mayor Anthony Foxx’s first State of the City address was part pep talk, part lobbying.

Foxx said Charlotte has faced many challenges, but has shown its ability to push forward and thrive in the face of economic adversity.

“In fact, I cannot think of another city in the United States that has had such success over […]

2017-05-24T08:56:22+00:00December 9th, 2010|

Perdue to outline her plan on budget ( News & Observer)

RALEIGH Democratic Gov. Bev Perdue plans to introduce her plans for revamping state government this week, getting a jump on the Republican legislature that will take office in January.

After talking for several months about remaking state government to deal with the projected $3.5 billion shortfall, Perdue will announce her plans before a regional Chamber of […]

2017-05-24T08:56:22+00:00December 8th, 2010|

A Whole New Name Game: Parks, Transit, Schools Consider Corporate Monikers in Bid to Plug Budget Gaps (Wall Street Journal)

Astronaut M. Scott Carpenter flew into orbit nearly 50 years ago. Now, he could be grounded in his native Boulder, Colo.

Scott Carpenter Park could be renamed if a company or wealthy donor makes a good offer, as Boulder prepares to follow other municipalities that are selling naming rights to bridge budget gaps.

Sports complexes, hospitals and […]

2017-05-24T08:56:22+00:00December 7th, 2010|

In spring, mayor will decide about 6th run (News and Observer)

Since the midterm elections, local chatter has shifted from state and national elections to next year’s local races. Dispelling, at least for now, rumors that he won’t seek an unprecedented sixth term as mayor, Meeker said he’ll decide in April or May whether he’ll try to continue to lead the Capital City.

Meeker and Avery Upchurch, […]

2010-12-06T08:42:18+00:00December 6th, 2010|

Deficit Commission: Raise the Gas Tax. And Soon. (Transportation Nation)

 (Washington, D.C. — ) The president’s deficit commission is taking aim at the Highway Trust Fund in its quest to take a hatchet to federal spending and debt.

The report from the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform–out just this morning on Capitol Hill–calls for $3.8 trillion in deficit reduction by 2020. It’s a downright […]

2010-12-03T11:26:36+00:00December 3rd, 2010|

House GOP Caucus begins staffing up (News & Observer)

Former state Rep. Bill Daughtridge of Rocky Mount has been named interim chief of staff during the transition period for the House Republicans by incoming Speaker Thom Tillis. Daughtridge, a three-term lawmaker, and was the Republican nominee for  state treasurer in 2008 losing to Democrat Janet  Cowell.“Bill has already hit the ground running by participating […]

2010-12-02T17:11:52+00:00December 2nd, 2010|