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Annual study warns against authorizing new NC debt ( News& Observer)

RALEIGH, N.C. A panel led by State Treasurer Janet Cowell says North Carolina government has no extra room to authorize new debt if it wants to keep its top credit rating because of a poor revenue situation.

Cowell’s office released on Tuesday the annual Debt Affordability Study. The committee said the state has exhausted its ability […]

2011-02-03T10:25:38+00:00February 3rd, 2011|

CUTTING BACK (The Associated Press)

Republicans pushed through the state Senate’s budget committee a bill that seeks cost savings to help close next year’s shortfall both by spending cuts and taking cash from places like tobacco trust and economic incentives funds. The bill would direct Democratic Gov. Beverly Perdue to find at least $400 million in budget savings this year, […]

2011-02-03T09:54:06+00:00February 3rd, 2011|

Video Gambling (THE NEWS & RECORD)

When Gov. Beverly Perdue offers her proposed budget later this month, it could include provisions regulating and taxing the video gambling industry, according to a spokeswoman for the governor. The state has been trying for five years to stamp out video poker and its kin, such as the video sweepstakes machines. But various court rulings […]

2017-05-24T08:56:21+00:00February 3rd, 2011|


Republican budget leaders have given their underlings an aggressive schedule to get a budget to Gov. Beverly Perdue a month before the new fiscal year begins. Budget subcommittee co-chairs received a draft calendar laying out the process for approving a state spending plan by June 1. The proposal has the House approving its version by […]

2011-02-03T08:39:49+00:00February 3rd, 2011|

Counties dig in on road costs (ENC Today)

County leaders have set up a road block against another effort by the General Assembly to reduce the state’s budget deficit by shifting responsibility for secondary road maintenance away from the state to the counties.

“It would absolutely break the backs of counties,” George Graham, chairman of the Lenoir County Board of Commissioners, said of that […]

2011-02-02T11:48:58+00:00February 2nd, 2011|

Is a Vehicle Mileage Tax Coming to a State Near You? (The Infrastructurist)

There’s plenty of reasons to be excited about the sudden, meteoric rise of EVs and ultra-fuel-efficient hybrids — with gas prices showing no sign of decreasing, fuel supplies showing equally no sign of increasing, and carbon emissions showing the polar opposite of a decrease, we should be thrilled to see momentum building for a drastic […]

2011-02-02T10:12:26+00:00February 2nd, 2011|

Triangle unemployment rate dips to 7.7 percent (WRAL.com)

Triangle unemployment rate dips to 7.7 percent (WRAL.com)

Posted: 10:36 a.m. today
Updated: 10:46 a.m. today

Unemployment across the Triangle metropolitan area dipped slightly in December to 7.7 percent, according to figures released Tuesday by the state Employment Security Commission.

The rate was 7.9 percent in November.

Overall employment total fell by 300, to 499,600 in Raleigh-Cary.

The loss of 800 […]

2011-02-01T12:51:56+00:00February 1st, 2011|